The Man-Made Creation of Infestation

Engineers across the country and other places in the world take their ideas of beautiful developments from the drawing board to reality by destroying and building atop of wetlands and swamplands. Eliminating natural drainage and water retention areas, they have to then create man-made drainage lakes and streams to prevent lands from turning into unwanted swamplands.

The Many Names of a Problem

While in theory this works, engineers like those in parts of Southern Florida didn’t take into account the breeding grounds they were creating for insects like no-see-ums. These miniscule biting bugs are smaller than fruit flies and swarm through our heartland with a vengeance. Most often than not, you don’t even see them coming. They attack through and under clothes, socks, and hats. Bites by no-see-ums can produce miserable, itching welts that may not even show up until a day to several days after getting bit.

Called a variety of names, no-see-ums, or biting midges, five-Os, and devil flies, etc., they terrorize beach goers, campers, fishermen, hikers, hunters, gardeners, and anyone participating in outdoor activities, including the much eluded “relaxing” thing people talk about. Locals and visitors to Florida and the other types of places described can’t possibly relax after they’ve acquired the incredibly itchy welts caused by the bite of these insects.

Developing a Solution

Southern Floridian and local inventor/owner, Caroline Semerjian is passionate about outdoor living in no-see-um free zones. Behold, No No-See-Um, the all natural insect repellent developed to effectively repel no-see-ums and other biting insects that ruin your chi. A free-spirited nature-lover, she has created the answer. No No-See-Um will certainly keep you from using that little rake you use to try and relax in your Zen garden, as your official no-see-um bite scratcher.

Any questions are welcomed by Caroline via the contact section of the No No-See-Um website. You can find her product in many stores, or by ordering online.

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